The Boy with Octopus Hands
Maxim dreamt that his hands had become dried octopus
tentacles. He did not mind apparently.
Maxim, age 7

Many girls dream of having long flowing hair but
Alexandra’s hair just kept growing. In braids.
Nobody was even braiding it.
Her beautiful, long hair was growing out of her head woven
together like an intricate piece of
fabric. It wasn’t so bad at first. Until her braids started
winding around her neck threatening to choke her.
Alexandra, age 9

The Kidnapping and the Cyclops
Sienna’s nightmare wasn’t so much about the Cyclops
himself. It’s that she never saw him coming.
Sienna, age 9

Little Samantha and the Big Bad Wolf
There are only two things that scare poor little Samantha
to tears. Tangles and the big bad wolf. Unfortunately, this
morning she woke up with both in her bed.
Samantha, age 6

Sienna IIUgh, bath time. Sienna would rather do anything than take
a bath. After all, getting clean is not nearly as much fun as
getting dirty. That’s why one night when Sienna went up to
rest her eyes, she was shocked to wake up with the water
rising slowly in the tub.
Sienna, age 10

One Shot, Two Shot, Flu Shot
Jasmine hated needles.
She could not stand the sight of them.
Jasmine loved her Mom but could not stand to be away
from her for too long.
That’s why Jasmine couldn’t understand why
her nightmare had to be her Mom giving her the
Jasmine, age 9

One Slithery Situation
Alex could hear it before she could see it.
Hisss, hisss, hisss.
The snake slithered from the corner of the room onto Alex’s
feet, up her legs, and then it wrapped itself tightly around
her arms. It then crawled on her Mom and Dad.
Poor Dad, he screamed frantically.
Alex, age 8

There wasn’t any sign of a struggle; Ekat’s puppy wasn’t
anywhere to be found. Before she went to bed, he was
right there snuggled up next to her. The minute she closed
her eyes he was gone. She looked high and low only to find
her lively puppy anything but alive.
Ekat, age 13

The Terrible Tale of a Video Game,
a Monster, and a Mirror
Cali knew she wasn’t supposed to be in Jack’s room, especially
not in there playing his video games. But no one was home.
No one would ever know.
So she thought...
Suddenly, in the flick of a joystick, from Jack’s mirror jumped
a scary monster. Scarier than the ones in his video games!
The monster chased Cali all over the house. Up the stairs,
through the halls, under the beds, right up to the window...
Cali, age 8

Cali II

A Creature from the Closet
Marcus always slept with the light on and the closet door
closed. He was certain if he kept the light on and the door
shut tight he’d be able to keep the creature in the closet, in
the closet. One night, Marcus fell into a deep sleep and
forgot to close the door. The creature found his way out
and grabbed Marcus from his bed, pulling him into the
Marcus, age 10

The Nightmare of the Over, Overcoat
Emma had a closet that smelled of cinnamon and couldn’t have
been bigger than a refrigerator. Inside was one auburn colored
overcoat. Only one. In her dream, Emma and her twin sister
Lina both had their eyes set on the overcoat. The race was on.
First one to get there, would keep the coat.Emma already had
to share her sister’s birthday, hair color, freckles and face.
She did not want to share the coat.
Lina and Emma, age 10

The Strange Story of Sarah and the Stranger Part I
Sarah’s dream was a strange one indeed. One night she fell
asleep and found herself alone on a subway platform. Her
Mom and Dad were nowhere in sight. The only thing she
could see was what looked like a strange woman dressed in
black. When she ran, the strange woman ran. When she
stopped, the strange woman stopped too. Later, Sarah
realized that what was so strange about the whole dream
was that the strange woman wasn’t a strange woman at all,
she’d been chased by her own shadow.
Sarah, age 10

The Strange Story of Sarah and the Stranger Part II
Sarah’s dream was a strange one indeed. One night she fell
asleep and found herself alone on a subway platform. Her
Mom and Dad were nowhere in sight. The only thing she
could see was what looked like a strange woman dressed in
black. When she ran, the strange woman ran. When she
stopped, the strange woman stopped too. Later, Sarah
realized that what was so strange about the whole dream
was that the strange woman wasn’t a strange woman at all,
she’d been chased by her own shadow.
Sarah, age 10

King Baylor of Crab Island
It was like Baylor colored his dream with five different grey crayons,
spending most of his time shading a single sand dune that reached all
the way to the clouds. Baylor, a curious kid, decided he wanted to climb
it. After all, who gives up an opportunity to be the king of the clouds?
He started climbing, getting higher and higher, sandier and sandier with
every step. These clouds however, were full of crabs. Dozens of crabs
chased poor King Baylor from the top of the world, only his legs were
stuck and he could not run away from them back to reality.
Baylor, age 11

The Drama of Hudson
and the-not-so Boring Backseat
Hudson found himself all alone in the backseat of his Mom’s
antique car. For what felt like hours, he sat not knowing
what to do. It was so quiet he could hear the raindrops
beating on the window. That is, until he heard the knocking
from behind him. He dared not look.
Hudson, age 9

Fighting for Mom and Dad
Italo is a fan of the Martial Arts and the UFC. His Mom
shares his obsession. One night Italo closed his eyes and
found his Mom with the cage fighter Donald “Cowboy”
Cerrone taking a fancy to her. He decided it was time to
clinch his fists and fight for his Mom with all his might in
Dad’s honor.
Italo, age 12

No Not St. Patrick
Eliana has only been to New York City once while she was
awake. It was during St. Patrick’s Day where her eyes chased
everyone who was painted green.
Eliana often frequents the streets of New York City while she’s
asleep. Every dream takes place during that same St. Patrick’s
Day, but instead of her eyes chasing everyone in green,
someone that is green is chasing her, and she’s the only one
who can see him.
Hana, age 10

A Dream in the Dark
Willow, like everyone else, dreams in the dark.
Only to Willow, it’s not what’s inside her dreams
that scare her, it’s what’s inside the dark.
Willow, age 10

Snow White and the Scary Dwarves
Becoming Snow White in your dream can turn into a
nightmare when the dwarves are mean and nasty.
Olivia, age 9

Da, Dum, Da, Dum,
Chelsea loved the beach.
Her and her family went every summer.
She loved building sand castles and looking for sea shells.
One night, Chelsea dreamt that while she played on the
beach a huge shark appeared out of nowhere and dragged
her into the sea.
Chelsea, age 9

Bats Galore
She could do bugs.
She could even do snakes. But the one thing she could not
do were bats. And now they hiding all over the garden
where she had loved to play.
Kristina, age 10

Don’t Dream in Dolls
Ren loves his sister almost as much as his sister loves her
doll. One night, when Ren laid his little head upon his pillow
to dream, he found himself not wanting to play with his
sister at all for she had turned into a living doll wielding a
Ren, age 8

The Night Hana Banana
said Later Gator
The alligator started out small.
So small you’d think you could get away with
petting it. Hana’s brother even tried. That’s when it started
to grow bigger, longer and stronger.
It grew so fast it bit off her brother’s arm.
Hana tried to help him, she really did, but she knew it
might cost her an arm or a leg.
Hana, age 10